Le pavillon
Ateliers J&J
JAN. 9-12, 2023
Powder-coated steel

Figure 1-2. PAVILION at Tour&Taxis, Brussels, from March 9 to 12, 2023.
photo credits ©Amber Vanbossel
Fig 3. Synthetic image representation of the structure.
The pavilion is a lightweight metal architectural structure incorporating the creations of 8 artists and designers, fully integrated into its space. The Pavilion blends genres, styles and mediums to create a 360-degree work of art.
The Pavillon's semi-covered structure generates a play of light and shadow that gives the space a particular dynamic.
The partitions are designed to be modular, offering the possibility of shaping the space according to its use, allowing cultural events to appropriate and take possession of the space.
The equipment of the structure was created in collaboration with the artists & designers who are partners of Ateliers J&J and shop Alsemberg 110: Cristina Gusano, Jules Bouchier-Végis, Benja- min
min Mengistu Navet, Tommy Lhomme, Eleonore Joulin, MonColonel & Spit, Studio Élémentaire and Pascale Theodoly.